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Harris's Pencil Box


The color wheel proposed by naturalist Moses Harris in 1766 is one of the best diagrams in history. Its characteristics of nonlinearity and circular arrangement allow a visualization of hidden connections between the relationship of colors, materialized in a chromatic circle that structures the theory of color-matter in Europe. Its basic postulate starts with how three colors (the primary ones) organize all the other possible colors, as well as their gradations of light. The graphic proposal is surprisingly simple and rich. Harris's chromatic circle is a direct and intuitive way to visualize and understand the theory of modern color, with its sums, ranges and relationships.

The Harris's pencil box is an artifact to create your own color taxonomies. Order them, relate them and name them according to particular or collective interests. According to sensitivities, habits, preferences and uses. 

Text by Marta Camps.

Sea taxonomy
color wheel
the box
color wheel

Taxonomy of the sea.

The color wheel by Moses Harris.

The box.

Our interpretation of Harris's wheel.

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